Monday, June 06, 2016

Join Conrad Thompson's Team to Battle the Blood Cancers
Join 1st Family Mortgage's Conrad Thompson (host of Ric Flair's "WOOOOO! Nation" podcast, a friend of the Mid-Atlantic Gateway, and all around good guy!) in supporting The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) to help fund the therapies and treatments that save lives.

Please visit right now and join his team to help defeat blood cancers.

From Conrad Thompson:
"Please join me in supporting The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) by making a donation to my fundraising campaign for Man or Woman of the Year. I am part of team working to raise as much as possible in a 10-week period. Every dollar I raise counts as one vote and the candidate who gets the most votes/raises the most money is named the Man or Woman of the Year"