Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling on the WWE Network |
TV Summaries & Reviews
by David Taub
Mid-Atlantic Gateway Contributor
This is a review of Mid-Atlantic Wrestling as it appeared on the WWE Network. Results are included for the week (Monday-Sunday of the given week) as available. Please email with any corrections, typos, results, other details at 1davidtaub@gmail.com. Follow @TaubGVWire
For links to all available summaries as well as links to the Mid-Atlantic Championship Podcast, visit our TV Summary Index.
Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling
Original broadcast: 10/23/82
(taped 10/20/82 at WPCQ-TV studios in Charlotte)
WWE Network Direct Link to this show: Mid-Atlantic10/23/82
WWE Network feed. [How to watch this show on the WWE Network.]
Bob Caudle opens the show saying we will see “the conclusion of that match, Ric Flair vs. Roddy Piper.” Something got cut off in the Network version. We go to a still of Flair vs. Piper as we head to break.
Match 1:
Jimmy Valiant d. Ken Timbs
Tommy Young is the referee for the hour. Valiant has “California” on the back of his trunks. Caudle mentions Jack Brisco regained the Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight championship, although no date or location is mentioned. Valiant wins with the back elbow. After, Jos LeDuc runs in, attacking Valiant. Jimmy makes his own save, and gets his hands on Humperdink, ripping his sports coat.
Match 2:
Rick Steamboat & Jay Youngblood d. Ben Alexander & Jim Dalton
Caudle mentions Dusty Rhodes and Sweet Brown Sugar will come in soon. All babyfaces here. Youngblood pins Dalton after Steamboat slingshots him in.
-Int. w/Bob Caudle: Ron Ritchie
Typical in lieu of local promos. Ritchie is confident about his match against Greg Valentine. Talk turns to the World tag team championship.
Match 3:
Greg Valentine (w/Sir Oliver Humperdink) d. Ron Ritchie
Humperdink, sans coat, shoves Tommy Young. Valentine gives the referee a light push as well. Caudle promises “more” footage of Flair-Piper. All Valentine. Greg secures the submission, not quite with the Figure Four, but more of a leg grapevine. It was the same move he broke Wahoo’s leg in 1977.
-Int. w/Bob Caudle: Sgt. Slaughter & Don Kernodle; Sir Oliver Humperdink, Jos LeDuc, and Greg Valentine
The champs are dressed up. “$300 suits” Slaughter says. He’s wearing a cream-colored number; surprised it isn’t a camo suit. He says they have no competition. Last week, their opponents didn’t even show up. Kernodle echoes Slaughter’s points. Slaughter says they are champs because “I’m an officer, and he’s (Kernodle) is a gentleman.
Humperdink and LeDuc join Caudle. Humperdink is upset at Valiant. LeDuc is dressed nice (for him). LeDuc reminds Valiant he’s the TV champion. He won’t be able to get to Humperdink no more. In comes Greg Valentine. He called that finisher the “English” figure-four hold. He’s chasing Wahoo McDaniel and the U.S. championship.
-Int. w/Bob Caudle: Wahoo McDaniel
[FILM FOOTAGE: Ric Flair vs. Roddy Piper]
We go to the promised Flair vs. Piper footage. No mention of when or where this is taking place, but it’s 10/17/82 at the Charlotte Coliseum. Wahoo is narrating. Piper is walloping Flair. Fight spills to the outside. Both men are bleeding. Piper knocks Flair back outside. Wahoo, already at ringside, gets into a shoving match with Flair. As referee Tommy Young tries to separate the men, Greg Valentine (in a PWI shirt) attacks Piper. Wahoo makes the save, as the match is stopped. Flair & Valentine double-team Wahoo. McDaniel talks about upcoming tag matches with Piper vs. Flair & Valentine, and singles matches against Valentine.
Match 4:
Jerry Brisco d. Bill White
Mostly mat wrestling. Caudle goes over all the potential contenders to Ric Flair’s title. Brisco finishes White off with a butterfly suplex, followed by the Figure Four leglock.
-Int. w/Bob Caudle: Mike Rotundo
This is in lieu of local promos. Mike is wearing a “WCBY 108 FM” shirt, a Charlotte rock station. His neck is improving. They talk about the House of Humperdink.
-Int. w/Bob Caudle: Paul Jones & Sir Oliver Humperdink
While Jack Brisco waits in the ring, Jones joins Caudle and calls him a thief. Humperdink is yelling in agreement. Jones calls him a coward for not putting the Mid-Atlantic championship on the line. Brisco eventually agrees. Jones calls him an idiot for doing so.
Match 5
Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight championship
Jack Brisco [ch.] d. Paul Jones (w/Sir Oliver Humperdink)
Caudle notes how Jones and Humperdink baited Brisco. Action starts off with a hot brawl. The match is back and forth. While Brisco is pounding Jones in the corner, Humperdink pulls his leg. Jones lands on top of Brisco, and Tommy Young makes the two count, when he sees Humperdink holding on to Brisco’s leg. Jones gets up, thinking he won. In the confusion, Brisco dropkicks Jones into Humerdink, who was on the apron. Brisco gets the 1-2-3. In the post-match, Jones and Humperdink double-team Brisco. In comes Jos LeDuc.
The show is ending. No music. Just the copyright credit, not the full credit roll. Caudle voices over
“So long for now!”
as the show goes off the air. Second week in a row with a Memphis-type feel.
* * * * * * * * * * *
Results for the week, 10/18/82-10/24/82
(source: Clawmaster’s Archive via Sports and Wrestling blog posted by David Baker; “Wrestling” newsletter by Joe Shedlock
Mon., 10/18/82 Greenville, SC; Greenville Memorial Auditorium
Wahoo McDaniel beat Greg Valentine
Jim Dalton beat Ron Ritchie
Gene Anderson beat Porkchop Cash
King Parsons beat Bill White
Sgt. Slaughter & Pvt. Kernodle beat Ricky Steamboat & Jay Youngblood by DQ
Jack Brisco beat Paul Jones to win NWA Mid Atlantic Title
Tue., 10/19/82 Columbia, SC; Township Auditorium
Ron Ritchie d. Ken Timbs
Abe Jacobs d. Ben Alexander
Leroy Brown d. Pork Chop Cash
Jerry Brisco d. Greg Valentine
Jack Brisco d. Paul Jones
Jimmy Valiant d. Jos LeDuc
Tue., 10/19/82 Raleigh, NC; Raleigh Civic Center
King Parsons & Johnny Weaver d. Pvt. Nelson & Juan Reynosa
Jim Dalton d. Mike Davis
Keith Larsen d. The Medic
Mike Rotundo d. Gene Anderson
Ricky Steamboat & Jay Youngblood beat Sgt. Slaughter & Don Kernodle in a Texas death match
Wed., 10/20/82 Charlotte, NC; WPCQ-TV studio
Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling:
Jimmy Valiant beat Ken Timbs
Ricky Steamboat & Jay Youngblood beat Ben Alexander & Jim Dalton
Greg Valentine beat Ron Ritchie
Jerry Brisco beat Bill White
Jack Brisco beat Paul Jones
World Wide Wrestling:
Mike Rotundo & Jerry Brisco beat Ben Alexander & Ken Timbs
Greg Valentine beat Mike Davis
Paul Jones beat Keith Larson
Ricky Steamboat & Jay Youngblood beat Jim Dalton & Bill White
Thu., 10/21/82 Sumter, SC
Ron Ritchie d. Bill White
Mike Davis d. Juan Reynosa
Gene Anderson d. Kin Parsons
Jerry Brisco d. Pvt. Nelson
Jay Youngblood d. Sgt. Slaughter
Wahoo McDaniel & Jimmy Valiant & Jack Brisco d. Greg Valentine & Leroy Brown & Jos Leduc
Fri., 10/22/82 Charleston, SC; Charleston Town Hall
Wahoo McDaniel beat Leroy Brown
Jimmy Valiant beat Jos Leduc by DQ
Johnny Weaver & Jerry Brisco beat Jim Nelson & Gene Anderson
Mike Davis beat Ron Ritchie
Abe Jacobs beat Juan Reynosa
Fri., 10/22/82 Spotsylvania, VA
Porkchop Cash beat The Medic
Ricky Steamboat, Jay Youngblood & Jack Brisco beat Sgt. Slaughter, Don Kernodle & Paul Jones
Sat., 10/23/82 Greensboro, NC; Greensboro Coliseum
Ben Alexander d. Abe Jacobs
Mike Davis d. Keith Larsen
Johnny Weaver d. Bill White
Jerry Brisco d. Jim Dalton
Jos LeDuc DDQ Jimmy Valiant
Wahoo McDaniel d. Greg Valentine
Sgt. Slaughter & Don Kernodle d. Ricky Steamboat & Jay Youngblood
Sat., 10/23/82 Shelby, NC
Ron Ritchie beat Ken Timbs
Porkchop Cash beat Juan Reynosa
Leroy Brown beat Mike Rotundo
King Parsons beat Pvt. Nelson
Jack Brisco beat Paul Jones
Sun., 10/24/82 Roanoke, VA; Roanoke Civic Center
King Parsons d. Bill White
Mike Davis d. Juan Reynosa
Jim Dalton d. Keith Larsen
Mike Rotundo d. Leroy Brown by DQ
Jimmy Valiant d. Jos LeDuc
Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight championship: Jack Brisco d. Paul Jones
World tag team championship: Sgt. Slaughter & Don Kernodle [ch.] d. Jay Youngblood & Jerry Brisco [Brisco sub for Johnny Weaver]