Mid-Atlantic Wrestling on the WWE Network |
TV Summaries & Reviews
by David Taub
Mid-Atlantic Gateway Contributor
This is a review of Mid-Atlantic Wrestling as it appeared on the WWE Network. Results are included for the week (Monday-Sunday of the given week) as available. Please email with any corrections, typos, results, other details at 1davidtaub@gmail.com.
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Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling
Original broadcast: 12/26/81
(taped 12/10/81 at WPCQ-TV studios in Charlotte)
WWE Network feed.
Bob Caudle & David Crockett preview the hour.
— Int. w/Bob Caudle: Sgt. Slaughter
Slaughter brags about the Cobra Clutch challenge. NWA representative Sandy Scott arrives, cutting off Slaughter. Scott isn’t satisfied with the Cobra Clutch competition. Slaughter says he has a long list of challengers: Charlie Fulton, Mike Davis, Tony Russo. Scott says they’ll pull a name out of the hat. Scott reads off the names. Slaughter goes nuts when he learns Blackjack Mulligan Jr. and Ricky Steamboat will be potential opposition.
Caudle introduces the next match via magic blue screen.
The referee for the hour is a maroon-wearing Sonny Fargo.
Match 1
Jake Roberts & Black Jack Mulligan, Jr. d. Mike Miller & Charlie Fulton.
Roberts is announced from Denton, Texas. Scott sticks around the desk, and says Ole Anderson is on his own, regarding Ray Stevens possessing one of the World tag team belts. Roberts pins Miller with the kneelift.
Match 2
Non- title: Billy Robinson [British Empire Champion] d. Tony Anthony
This week, they call it the British Empire championship. Crockett gives a shootout to fans in Oxford, NC. More talk about the difference of the Euro style. Anthony kicks out of a tombstone piledriver but succumbs to the inside backbreaker.
—Local promos w/Rich Landrum
More Ann Arbor promos for WIHT-31. Austin Idol spends time talking about himself. Idol botches Bo Schembechler’s name, but at least corrects himself. NWA TV champion Ivan Koloff is next. Talks about bomb shelters. Roddy Piper closes the round with a subdued (at least for Piper) words of wisdom.
Match 3
NWA TV championship: Ivan Koloff [ch.] d. Keith Larson
Title match, of course for the first 10 minutes (there seems to be inconsistency if it is 10 or 15). Mostly Koloff, scoring the pin after driving Larson’s head into the mat.
—Int. w/Bob Caudle: Sandy Scott; Johnny Weaver; Ray Stevens
Scott says that Gene tried a loophole to get Ninja in the match. But, Scott found a loophole to have Gene in the match. Okay, something got cut so context is lost. Johnny Weaver comes in to talk about Steamboat chasing Piper. Ray Stevens is in, still holding one of the World tag team championship belts. He threatens Ole Anderson.
Caudle introduces the next match via blue screen.
Match 4
Terry Taylor d. Tony Russo
Tony Russo is from Milan, Italy. Sure. Taylor is the NWA Rookie of the Year. 1980 that its. Crockett lets the ladies know all his vitals. I did not know Taylor went to Gilford College, and trained by the Briscos. Runs down his championship history. Sandy Scott is back. Black Jack Mulligan, Jr. won the draw. Russo gets his offense, but Taylor wins with the flying forearm, his calling card for the rest of career.
—Local promos w/Rich Landrum
More Ann Arbor promos for WIHT-31. Babyface time. Ray Stevens, in a green Izod, talks about how great wrestlers are. Johnny Weaver says Ann Arbor is like home, because it is near his home of Indiana. Apparently he didn’t study geography. Weaver brings in Jimmy Valiant.
Match 5
Non-Mid-Atlantic tag championship: Pretty Boy Fergie & Ox Baker [ch.] d. Vinnie Valentino & Don Kernodle
Still no belts. Good back-and-forth action. Ox actually leaves his feet to execute some wrestling holds. Go figure. Fergie somewhat looks like either a big Mike Graham, or a small 1980s Scott Hall. Baker nails Valentino with the heart punch. He tags in Fergie who collects the pin.
— Mulligan, Jr. takes the Cobra Clutch challenge
The main event for the hour. Nelson accompanies Sarge, but stay son the outside. Mulligan sits in the chair in the center of the ring. Lots of stalling. Sarge elbows Mulligan in the back of the neck. That’s cheating! Scott warns Slaughter to put the Cobra Clutch on. Slaughter yanks the hair. Finally, he applies the Cobra Clutch. Mulligan goes to the corner. No avail. An armdrag doesn’t break the hold. Another corner shot doesn’t break the hold, but dazes Slaughter.
The Network closing music plays as credits roll. Mulligan looks like he is about to break out, but we fade to black, and that’s the last show of Mid-Atlantic 1981.
Results for the week after the jump.
Results for the week, 12/21/81-12/27/81
Fri.., 12/25/81 Charlotte, NC
Sgt. Slaughter draw Blackjack Mulligan Jr. (60:00)
Blackjack Mulligan, Sr. beat Big John Studd
Roddy Piper & Gene Anderson beat Ricky Steamboat & Paul Jones
Ray Stevens beat Ole Anderson by DQ
Jake Roberts beat Greg Valentine
The Ninja beat Mike Davis
Buddy Landell draw Carl Fergie
Fri., 12/25/81 Richmond, VA (Afternoon Show)
Johnny Weaver d. Charlie Fulton
Jimmy Valiant d. Lord Alfred Hayes
Ninja vs. Jay Youngblood
Ray Stevens d. Gene Anderson
Blackjack Mulligan d. John Studd in a fence match
Roddy Piper & Ivan Koloff d. Ricky Steamboat & Blackjack Mulligan, Jr.
NWA World Champion Ric Flair vs. Ole Anderson in a lumberjack match
Sat., 12/26/81 Norfolk, VA
Blackjack Mulligan vs. John Studd in a lights out match
Paul Jones vs. Gene Anderson in a loser leaves town match
Ivan Koloff vs. Jimmy Valiant
The Ninja vs. Johnny Weaver
Alfred Hayes vs. Vinnie Valentino
Plus other matches
Sat., 12/26/81 Greenville, SC
Blackjack Mulligan, Jr. beat Sgt. Slaughter
Ricky Steamboat beat Roddy Piper
Ray Stevens & Leroy Brown beat Ole Anderson & a mystery partner
Bill White beat Doug Vines
Abe Jacobs beat I.F. Zystapowtzy by referee decision
Carl Fergie beat Keith Larsen
Jim Nelson beat Tony Anthony
Sun., 12/27/81 Asheville, NC
Sgt. Slaughter vs. Blackjack Mulligan, Jr. in a match with 2 referees
Ivan Koloff & Ole Anderson vs. Paul Jones & Ray Stevens in a loser leaves town match
Ricky Steamboat beat Roddy Piper
Plus 3 other matches
Sun., 12/27/81 Greensboro, NC — Greensboro Coliseum
Sgt. Slaughter beat Blackjack Mulligan
Ray Stevens, Jake Roberts & Blackjack Mulligan, Jr. beat Gene & Ole Anderson & Ivan Koloff by DQ in an elimination match
Ricky Steamboat beat Roddy Piper
The Ninja beat Paul Jones in a loser leaves town match
Jimmy Valiant beat Carl Fergie via pinfall
Terry Taylor beat Tony Russo
Keith Larson draw Tony Anthony
12/27/81 Toronto, Ontario
Tony Parisi beat Tim Gerrard
Billy Red Lyons beat Kurt Von Hess by DQ
Farmer Pete beat Little John
Johnny Weaver & Jay Youngblood beat Kurt Von Hess & Frankie Laine
Blackjack Mulligan, Jr. & Jake Roberts beat The Grappler & Super Destroyer
Ivan Koloff beat Ron Bass
Big John Studd beat Leroy Brown
Andre The Giant beat Killer Khan in a Mongolian stretcher match