Mid-Atlantic Wrestling on the WWE Network |
Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling
TV Summaries & Reviews
by David Taub
Mid-Atlantic Gateway Contributor
This is a review of Mid-Atlantic Wrestling as it
appeared on the WWE Network. Results are included for the week
(Monday-Sunday of the given week) as available. Please email with any
corrections, typos, results, other details at 1davidtaub@gmail.com. Follow @TaubGVWire
For links to all available summaries as well as links to the Mid-Atlantic Championship Podcast, visit our TV Summary Index.
Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling
Original broadcast: 06/11/83
(taped 6/08/83 at WPCQ-TV studios in Charlotte)
WWE Network Direct Link to this show Mid-Atlantic 06/11/83
WWE Network feed.
Match 1
Non-Title: Rick Steamboat & Jay Youngblood [World Tag Team Champions] d. Bill White & Masa Fuchi
Tommy Young is the referee for the hour. We join the match already in progress. Caudle notes that the champs have been taking a lot of flack from the Briscos for not being on TV live. Steamboat presses Youngblood onto Fuchi for the pin.
-Int. w/Bob Caudle: Jos LeDuc & Bugsy McGraw
McGraw is on crutches. He hurt his knee in a match vs. Kelly Kiniski. He said One Man Gang and Sir Oliver Humperdink jumped him prior to the match (likely 6/02/83 or 6/03/83). He had surgery on the knee last Saturday (6/04/83). LeDuc says he can be real bad. He warns Dick Slater.
[CLIP][World Wide Wrestling] Slater Injures Weaver
We go to the clip last month that caused Slater’s suspension. From 5/07/83 World Wide Wrestling. Slater and Valentine are double-teaming LeDuc. Johnny Weaver leaves the announce position to break things up. Slater piledrives him on the floor.
Match 2
Non-Title: Greg Valentine [United States Champion] d. Mark Fleming
Fleming had no chance. Valentine wins with the abdominal stretch. Lots of intensity in The Hammer’s face.
-Int. w/Bob Caudle: Greg Valentine
“What do you got for me this week, Bob Caudle?” Valentine skeptically wonders. He doubts Piper is coming back. After a few minutes of smack talk, Valentine tells Piper “This is the year of your ear!”
Match 3
The Great Kabuki & Magic Dragon (w/Gary Hart) d. Brett Hart & Rick McCord
Caudle is amazed Kabuki has red mist. Hart joins Caudle on commentary. He says his team is still learning. Dragon has Hart in a Gory Especial type of move. Kabuki comes off the top with a chop to Hart’s exposed chest and makes the pin. Hart calls it the Hart Crusher.
-Int. w/Bob Caudle: Gary Hart, The Great Kabuki & Magic Dragon
Hart calls Ricky Flair unbeatable. Oops. A day before this aired, Harley Race won the title. Hart praises Valentine. Hart puts over Kabuki as TV champion.
[CLIP][All Japan Pro Wrestling] - Ric Flair vs. Jumbo Tsuruta
During the introductions, some weird echoey voice over introduces the match. Caudle & David Crockett then narrate the clips. It appears we are in the second fall. Lord James Blears is the referee. My guess this is from 6/08/82. Flair gets the fall with the figure four. And, that is the end of the clip. The men also wrestled 6/08/83, but I say it is highly unlikely that clip would be part of this show.
Bodyslam challenge: One Man Gang vs. Mike Rotundo
Same routine. Rotundo tries, and almost gets the slam. When Gang tries to attack, Rotundo fights back. He goes for the airplane spin, but Kelly Kiniski comes in for the double-team. Gang takes a lock of Rotundo’s hair.
-Int. w/Bob Caudle: Rick Steamboat & Jay Youngblood
Youngblood tells the story of his new war bonnet. A governor of the Cherokee nation gave it to him, and made Rick an honorary member. Youngblood is taking real slow. Steamboat addresses the Briscos calling them no-shows. He wonders where the Briscos are.
Match 4
Jake Roberts (w/Paul Jones) d. Mike Davis
Jones joins Caudle. Davis escapes the knee lift, but not the yet-to-be named DDT, which was called by both Jones and Caudle as the Brainbuster. 1-2-3 for the Snake.
-Int. w/Bob Caudle: Paul Jones, Dory Funk Jr. and Jake Roberts
Jones is in a tux, and Funk is wearing a sports jacket and tie. Jones talks about his contest for a poster. There has only been one negative letter. The address shows on the screen.
-Int. w/Bob Caudle: Paul Jones
This is in lieu of local promos. Jones talks about Jake Roberts and Dory Funk Jr. He talks about their hard training.
Match 5
Bob Orton Jr. d. Ben Alexander
Caudle recaps the comments of Steamboat & Youngblood, and Valentine. A win for Orton with the Superplex.
-Int. w/Bob Caudle: Bob Orton Jr. & Rufus R. Jones
Orton briefly narrates his replay. Jones is wearing a turquoise tuxedo. He reads a letter from a fan saying Paul Jones gives her nightmare. He mocks Paul Jones. Orton thinks Paul Jones has been lying about all his letters. He has some words for Greg Valentine.
It appears Caudle’s “so long for now” is cut off by the Network overdub.
* * * * * * * * * * *
Results for the week, 6/06/83-6/12/83
(source: Clawmaster’s Archive via Sports and Wrestling blog posted by David Baker; “Wrestling” newsletter by Joe Shedlock)
Mon., 6/06/83 Greenville, SC; Memorial Auditorium
Abe Jacobs beat Ben Alexander
Gene Anderson beat Brett Hart
Magic Dragon beat Vinnie Valentino
Jimmy Valiant & Johnny Weaver beat One Man Gang & Kelly Kiniski by DQ
Great Kabuki beat Jos LeDuc
Greg Valentine beat Bob Orton, Jr.
Tue., 6/07/83 Raleigh, NC; Raleigh Civic Center
Kelly Kiniski d. Bret Hart
Gene Anderson d. Keith Larson
Johnny Weaver d. Bill White
Jos LeDuc d. One Man Gang
Dory Funk Jr. & Jake Roberts d. Rufus R. Jones & Mike Rotundo
Wed., 6/08/83 Charlotte, NC; WCPQ-TV
Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling:
Ricky Steamboat & Jay Youngblood beat Bill White & Masa Fuchi
Greg Valentine beat Mark Fleming
Magic Dragon & Great Kabuki beat Rick McCord & Brett Hart
Jake Roberts beat Mike Davis
Bob Orton, Jr. beat Ben Alexander
World Wide Wrestling:
Ricky Steamboat & Jay Youngblood beat Brett Hart & Rick McCord
Greg Valentine beat Mike Davis
Bob Orton, Jr. beat Masa Fuchi
Jake Roberts beat Vinnie Valentino
Magic Dragon & Great Kabuki beat Mark Fleming & Keith Larson
Thu., 6/09/83 Harrisonburg, VA; Harrisonburg High School
Jos LeDuc & Bugsy McGraw vs. One Man Gang & Oliver Humperdink in a cage match
Great Kabuki vs. Johnny Weaver
Plus 3 other matches
Fri., 6/10/83 Charleston SC; County Hall
Dory Funk, Jr. double DQ Great Kabuki
Jake Roberts beat Mike Rotundo
Magic Dragon beat Ric McCord
Bill White beat Brett Hart
Masa Fuchi beat Abe Jacobs
Sat., 6/11/83 Roanoke, VA; Roanoke Civic Center
Mike Davis d. Vinnie Valentino
Gene Anderson d. Brett Hart
One Man Gang d. Cy Jernigan
Jake Roberts d. Mike Rotundo
Jimmy Valiant & Bob Orton Jr. d. Jack Brisco & Jerry Brisco
United States Heavyweight championship: Greg Valentine [ch.] DDQ Ric Flair
Sat., 6/11/83 Spartanburg, SC; Memorial Auditorium
Keith Larson & Rick McCord beat Masa Fuchi & Bill White
Kelly Kiniski d. Abe Jacobs
Johnny Weaver beat Magic Dragon (Weaver sub for Jay Youngblood)
Jos LeDuc beat Kelly Kiniski (LeDuc sub for Weaver)
Rufus R. Jones beat Great Kabuki
Sun., 6/12/83 Columbia, SC; Township Auditorium
Vinnie Valentino beat Abe Jacobs
Magic Dragon beat Brett Hart
Jake Roberts beat Mike Davis
Keith Larsen & Rick McCord beat Ben Alexander & Gene Anderson
Rufus R. Jones & Jimmy Valiant beat Jack Brisco & Jerry Brisco
Greg Valentine beat Ric Flair by DQ
Sun., 6/12/83 Toronto, Ontario; Maple Leaf Gardens
Kelly Kiniski & Jacques Goulet beat John Bonello & Don Kolov
Bob Marcus beat Bill White
Nick DeCarlo beat Joe Marcus
Dick Slater beat Jos LeDuc
Johnny Weaver beat Leo Burke
Great Kabuki beat Mike Rotundo
Sgt. Slaughter beat Jay Youngblood
Don Muraco beat Angelo Mosca by DQ
Sun., 6/12/83 Savannah, GA; Civic Center
Note: this was taped for All-Japan TV
Chavo Guerrero double countout with Masa Fuchi(9:51)
Giant Baba & Genichiro Tenryu beat Jake Roberts & Jerry Grey (6:47) via pinfall
Terry Funk beat Bret Hart(5:47) by submission
Rufus R. Jones beat Dory Funk, Jr. by DQ
Jack Brisco & Jerry Brisco beat Jimmy Valiant & Bob Orton, Jr. via pinfall
Bruiser Brody double countout with Jumbo Tsuruta(15:56)
Greg Valentine beat Ric Flair(12:17) by DQ
Sun., 6/12/83 Savannah, GA; Savannah Civic Center (All Japan TV)
Chavo Guerrero d. Masa Fuchi
Terry Funk d. Brett Hart
Rufus R. Jones d. Dory Funk Jr. by DQ
Jimmy Valiant & Bob Orton Jr. d. Jack Brisco & Jerry Brisco
Greg Valentine d. Ric Flair by DQ
Jumbo Tsuruta DCO Bruiser Brody
Giant Baba & Tenyru d. Jake Roberts & One Man Gang