Mid-Atlantic Gateway
One thing you've probably learned about me by now if you've visited this website for any length of time is that I love the smallest little details, moments, and memories having to do with Mid-Atlantic Wrestling. A little over a year ago I wrote about Carolina Panther's play-by-play voice Mick Mixon invoking the memory of Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling while describing an on-field brawl between Panther's cornerback Josh Norman and New York Giants receiver Odell Beckham.
"My goodness, it's like Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling out there!" - Mick Mixon
What I didn't have at the time was the actual audio from that broadcast; I only could provide a written description of what Mixon said. But recently I was able to obtain a recording of that radio broadcast and I have excerpted the relevant discussion (approx 1:15) and have included it below:
The audio is from the 12/20/15 game between the Panthers and the Giants. The original article (also updated with the audio) can be found here:
Mick Mixon has to be a Mid-Atlantic Wrestling Fan
Yes indeed, it's the smallest details.Thanks to Mick Mixon for helping keep the memories of Mid-Atlantic Wrestling alive.