"Playboy" Gary Hart and JCP's John Ringley (1972) |
In 1972, John Ringley hosted a special episode of "Championship Wrestling" that aired on WBTV-3 in Charlotte that focused on Rip "The Profile" Hawk. Ringley and Hawk's manager, "Playboy" Gary Hart were situated on a set in the WBTV studio. They reviewed 16mm film footage shot at the Charlotte Coliseum and Greensboro Coliseum featuring Hawk against various opponents including Jack Brisco in a battle over the Eastern Heavyweight Championship.
Matches included:
- Rip Hawk and Swede Hansen vs. Johnny Weaver and Argentina Apollo
- Rip Hawk and Swede Hansen vs. Johnny Weaver and Art Nelson (Greensboro)
- Rip Hawk vs. Jack Brisco (Hawk wins Eastern title) (Charlotte)
- Rip Hawk vs. Art Nelson (taped fists match) (Greensboro)
We recently had a conversation with Mr. Ringley about booking changes back during this very time period. That article can be found on the Mid-Atlantic Gateway by clicking this link.
This post was originally published on the Studio Wrestling website, a sister-website of the Mid-Atlantic Gateway.
Originally published on the Mid-Atlantic Gateway.