Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling on the WWE Network |
Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling
TV Summaries & Reviews
by David Taub
Mid-Atlantic Gateway Contributor
This is a review of Mid-Atlantic Wrestling as it
appeared on the WWE Network. Results are included for the week
(Monday-Sunday of the given week) as available. Please email with any
corrections, typos, results, other details at 1davidtaub@gmail.com. Follow @TaubGVWire
For links to all available summaries as well as links to the Mid-Atlantic Championship Podcast, visit our TV Summary Index.
Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling
Original broadcast: 9/04/82
(taped 9/01/82 at WPCQ-TV studios in Charlotte)
WWE Network feed. [How to watch this show on the WWE Network.]
WWE Network Direct Link to this show: Mid-Atlantic 9/04/82
Mid-Atlantic Championship Podcast Episode 33
Bob Caudle introduces the program, with the big Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight championship match, Jack Brisco vs. Paul Jones. Great action on standby to.
Caudle introduces the match via magic blue screen.
-Int. w/Bob Caudle: Jack Brisco, Jerry Brisco, Wahoo McDaniel
Despite being in the ring a moment ago, Jack is back down at the announce desk. Jack says he’s ready. Jerry, making his first TV appearance in a few weeks, warns Jack he is getting back in the ring too soon. Jack was jumped in a parking lot recently by Jones and Greg Valentine. Jack isn’t concerned. Wahoo says he knows Jack can do it. This interview may have been in lieu of local promos.
Match 1:
Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Championship:
Paul Jones (w/Sir Oliver Humperdink) d. Jack Brisco to win championship
Stu Schwartz is the referee for the hour. Humperdink is back in a suit and tie. David Crockett joins Caudle at the booth. Caudle says doctors recommended Brisco take four weeks off, after getting jumped in the parking lot by Jones. Caudle notes the time limit is until the end of the program. Jack works on Jones’ legs for a while. Jones sneaks in an Indian Death Lock, but it doesn’t last long, and Brisco goes back to the leg. Greg Valentine comes to ringside, says something to Humperdink and leaves.
Humperdink joins Caudle & Crockett to complain about the officiating. Humperdink get son the apron, and Brisco chases him out of the ring. On his way out, Brisco slips on the floor and apparently hurts his knee. Back in the ring, Jones takes charge, as Brisco is definitely slowed down. Brisco whips Jones in the corner, but it appeared Jones hit a karate blow to Brisco as he charged in. Jones makes the cover, and we have a new champion!
-Int. w/Bob Caudle: Kelly Kinski
In lieu of local promos. Typica in lieu interview. Kiniski talks about Brisco. He’s stumbling over his words, showing why he wasn’t a mainline guy.
Match 2
Jos LeDuc (w/Sir Oliver Humperdink) d. Kelly Kiniski
Caudle is waxing poetic about the House of Humperdink: LeDuc, Jones, Leroy Brown, Greg Valentine. A battle of Canada in the ring: East vs. West. Kiniski puts up a fight, but LeDuc wins with the backbreaker (side suplex over the knee variety).
-Int. w/Bob Caudle: Sir Oliver Humperdink, Paul Jones and Joe LeDuc
Handshakes for Jones. Praise from Humperdink. Jones said he wanted to bring the title out of the closet. More insults for Brisco. LeDuc is one scary looking and sounding dude. He is paid to be a winner, and that is exactly what he is, says LeDuc. Veiled threats from Jimmy Valiant.
-Int. w/Caudle: Sir Oliver Humperdink and Greg Valentine
Humperdink says money is the root of all evil. I guess the point is, that doesn’t bother him. Humperdink says Abdullah the Butcher will soon be here. We go to a clip of Abdullah’s match vs. Ron Ritchie from World Wide last year. Humperdink offered him $5,000 to do a job to take care of Wahoo McDaniels [sic]. Valentine says Abdullah will soften Wahoo up for him.
Match 3:
Greg Valentine (w/Sir Oliver Humperdink) d. Mike Rotundo
To think, three years in the future, Valentine would beat Rotundo for the WWF tag team championship. This match was mostly Valentine, although Rotundo had his moments. Valentine wins with two elbow drops.
-Int. w/Caudle: Sir Oliver Humperdink
This is in lieu of local interviews. Mainly threats for Jimmy Valiant.
Match 4
Wahoo McDaniel & Roddy Piper d. The Gladiator & The Medic
“What a team that will be” Caudle said of Wahoo & Piper. Wearing his green and yellow checkered tights, Piper has a big bruise on the back of his thigh. Piper throws Gladiator right into a Wahoo chop. Caudle keeps calling Piper a wildman. Wahoo pins Gladiator after a chop.
-Int. w/Caudle: Jerry Brisco; Wahoo McDaniel; Roddy Piper
Jerry says his brother will make no excuses. Of course, Jerry is making a bunch of excuses, like Jack had an injured knee and Humperdink’s interference. Caudle asks Wahoo about Abdullah. Wahoo acknowledges Abdullah hurting him last year. But this time he will be ready. Piper goes a mile minute on Paul Jones and Humperdink.
“So long for now!”
* * * * * * * * * *
Results for the week, 8/30/16-9/05/82
(source: Clawmaster’s Archive via Sports and Wrestling blog posted by David Baker; “Wrestling” newsletter by Joe Shedlock
Mon., 8/30/82 Greenville, SC
Jimmy Valiant beat Ivan Koloff
Jerry Brisco & Roddy Piper beat Ninja & Greg Valentine
Mike Davis draw Jim Dalton
Mike Rotundo beat Pvt. Nelson by DQ
Johnny Weaver beat The Spoiler
Porkchop Cash draw Pvt. Nelson
Mon., 8/30/82 Fayetteville, NC
Dennis Albert d. Keith Larsen
Ron Ritchie d. The Gladiator
Jay Youngblood d. Pvt. Kernodle
Kelly Kiniski d. Juan Reynosa
Wahoo McDaniel & Ricky Steamboat d. Leroy Brown & Sir Oliver Humperdink
Tue., 8/31/82 Raleigh, NC
Jimmy Valiant beat Ivan Koloff in a coal miner’s glove match
Jack Brisco beat Paul Jones by DQ
The Ninja beat Johnny Weaver
Kelly Kiniski beat Pvt. Nelson
Mike Rotundo beat Ali Bey
Keith Larson beat The Scorpion
Tue., 8/31/82 Columbia, SC
Ron Ritchie d. The Gladiator
Pork Chop Cash & King Parsons d. Juan Reynosa & Jim Dalton
Pvt. Kernodle d. Jay Youngblood
Wahoo McDaniel & Roddy Piper & Ricky Steamboat d. Leroy Brown & Sir Oliver Humperdink & Pvt. Kernodle
Wed., 9/1/82 Charlotte, NC — WPCQ-TV (TV taping)
Paul Jones beat Jack Brisco to win NWA Mid Atlantic Title
Jos LeDuc beat Kelly Kiniski
Abdullah The Butcher beat Ron Ritchie
Greg Valentine beat Mike Rotundo
Roddy Piper & Wahoo McDaniel beat The Medic & The Gladiator
Jerry Brisco & Wahoo McDaniel beat Jim Dalton & Ben Alexander
Jay Youngblood beat The Gladiator
Roddy Piper beat The Medic
Paul Jones & Greg Valentine beat Ron Ritchie & Kelly Kiniski
Thu., 9/02/82 Norfolk, VA
Ricky Steamboat beat Leroy Brown
Wahoo McDaniel & Roddy Piper beat Ivan Koloff & Greg Valentine
Juan Reynosa beat Kelly Kiniski
Mike Rotundo beat Ali Bey
Keith Larson draw The Scorpion
Thu., 9/02/82 Stratsburg, VA
Mike Davis TLD Jim Dalton
Johnny Weaver d. The Gladiator
Pvt. Kernodle & Pvt. Nelson d. Pork Chop Cash & King Parsons
Paul Jones d. Jack Brisco
Fri., 9/03/82 Charleston, SC
Ron Ritchie TLD Mike Davis
Glenn Lane d. The Inferno
Jay Youngblood d. Jim Dalton
Johnny Weaver d. Gene Anderson
Pvt. Kernodle & Pvt. Nelson d. Pork Chop Cash & King Parsons
Jimmy Valiant d. Ivan Koloff
Fri., 9/03/82 Richmond, VA
Keith Larsen d. Alli Bey
Mike Rotundo d. The Gladiator
Kelly Kiniski d. Juan Reynosa
Ricky Steamboat & Roddy Piper d. Leroy Brown, The Ninja & Oliver Humperdink in a handicap match
Paul Jones d. Jack Brisco
Wahoo McDaniel DDQ Greg Valentine
Sat., 9/04/82 Greensboro, NC — Greensboro Coliseum
Kelly Kiniski TLD Juan Reynosa
Mike Rotundo d. The Inferno
Porkchop Cash & King Parsons d. The Privates: Pvt. Nelson & Pvt. Kernodle
Rick Steamboat d. Leroy Brown
Paul Jones d. Jack Brisco
Wahoo McDaniel DDQ Greg Valentine