Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling on the WWE Network |
TV Summaries & Reviews
by David Taub
Mid-Atlantic Gateway Contributor
This is a review of Mid-Atlantic Wrestling as it appeared on the WWE Network. Results are included for the week (Monday-Sunday of the given week) as available. Please email with any corrections, typos, results, other details at 1davidtaub@gmail.com.
For links to all available summaries, visit our TV Summary Index.
Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling
Original broadcast: 3/20/82
(taped 3/17/82 at WPCQ-TV studios in Charlotte)
WWE Network feed. [How to watch this show on the WWE Network.]
Bob Caudle & Roddy Piper open the show from the desk. They are soon joined by Sgt. Slaughter—Interview w/Bob Caudle: Sgt. Slaughter
Slaughter mentions Ric Flair, Wahoo McDaniel, Rick Steamboat and Jake Roberts. Slaughter says he’s not going anywhere.
— Interview w/Bob Caudle: NWA TV champion Ivan Koloff
Koloff says he doesn’t like the USA, before he gets cut off by Jimmy Valiant’s music [WWE Network edit: “Boy from New York City” is replaced by a generic jazzy song that somewhat drowns out Koloff.
Match 1
Jimmy Valiant d. Steve Sybert
The referee for this and all matches is Stu Schwartz, wearing a green NWA-logo patch polo and red pants Valiant make easy work, finishing off with a running elbow smash. He has “Charlotte” written on the back of his trunks. Caudle & Piper compare Valliant’s style to Koloff’s.
— Interview w/Bob Caudle: Jimmy Valiant, Jake Roberts
The Valiant music overdub plays. He challenges Koloff. Valiant dances off and Roberts joins Caudle. He talks about Sgt. Slaughter and how Ric Flair will take him on. He also complains about Ole Anderson & Stan Hansen’s style.
Match 2
Non-United States Heavyweight championship: Sgt. Slaughter [ch.] d. Ron Ritchie
A mainly one-side affair, but one segment sees the two trade hard chops, with Slaughter no-selling. The U.S. champ wins with the Slaughter Cannon (clothesline), followed by the Cobra Clutch
—Interview w/Bob Caudle: Sgt. Slaughter
Slaughter talks about Ric Flair. A taped promo of Flair (from Florida airs). Flair has bandages on his forehead and under his right eye, as well as a stint on his right pinky. Flair blames Ole coming to Miami, saying he had no business to injure him. Flair is pretty fired up. Slaughter likes getting Flair all riled up. According to 1982 match results, Slaughter, Ole & Hansen beat Flair, Steamboat and Roberts in Charlotte that night.
Match 3
Terry Taylor d. Mike Miller
Interesting, Piper mentions a March 23 benefit BBQ at Crockett Park for the retarded children
(Context: this is 1982, not a pejorative term at the time). Piper puts it over like a babyface. Caudle agrees. Piper retorts “of course it’s good, because I said it.” Austin Idol returns to ringside with his 8 mm camera. Taylor wins with a standing guillotine into a pinning combination.
— Local promo w/Big Bill Ward for 5/05/82 Lansing, MI
This is the same tape as last week.
Match 4
Pvt. Nelson & Pvt. Kernodle d. Vinnie Valentino & Tony Anthony
Sgt. Slaughter is off-camera watching on, so Caudle & Piper say. Semi-competitive match, with the Privates winning with Nelson pinning Anthony with a top-rope clothesline (with Kernodle holding his man in the ring).
— Interview w/Bob Caudle: Jake Roberts
Roberts continues to talk about Slaughter, saying he will bring in Flair, Wahoo, Andre or Dusty Rhodes to help him out. “How much Snake can you handle, brother?”
Match 5
Jake Roberts d. David Patterson by DQ
With Jake in control, Kernodle and Nelson attack, followed by Slaughter. Ray Stevens, Johnny Weaver and Blackjack Mulligan Jr. make the save, and the heels scatter.
— Local promo w/Big Bill Ward for 5/05/82 Lansing, MI
This is the same tape as last week.
Match 6
Ole Anderson & Stan Hansen (w/Gene Anderson) d. Kelly Kiniski & Mike Davis
Kiniski is acknowledged as Gene Kiniski’s son. Austin Idol is back out with his camera. A one-sided affair. Hansen finished off Davis with the lariat.
— Interview w/Bob Caudle: Austin Idol; Ivan Koloff; Ole Anderson, Stan Hansen and Gene Anderson.
Lightning round of interviews to close the show. Idol talks about it his right to film at ringside (a Cannon for those scoring at home). Koloff is back out threatening Jimmy Valiant. Ole, Hansen and Gene Anderson are out. Ole talk about Jake Roberts, the Brisco Brothers. Hansen gets some words in.
“So long for now.”
Results for the week, 3/15/82-3/21/82
(source: Clawmaster’s Archive via Sports and Wrestling blog posted by David Baker)
Tue., 3/16/82 Wytheville, VA
Tue., 3/16/82 Columbia, SC
Roddy Piper & John Studd vs. Ricky Steamboat & Ray Stevens
Porkchop Cash vs. Mike Miller
Steve Sybert vs. Mike George
The Ninja vs. Keith Larson
Tony Russo vs. Ron Ritchie
Fri., 3/19/82 Charleston, SC
Tim Horner d. Chris Markoff
Keith Larson d. Mike Miler
Jay Youngblood & Blackjack Mulligan Jr. d. Pvt. Kernodle & Pvt. Nelson
Porkchop Cash d. Austin Idol
(Wrestling ‘82/Shedlock)
Sat., 3/20/82 Asheville, NC
Jimmy Valiant beat Ivan Koloff
Ole Anderson & Stan Hansen beat Jack & Jerry Brisco
Austin Idol beat Ray Stevens by DQ
Mike Davis beat Chris Markoff
Tony Anthony beat Mike Miller
Tim Horner beat Steve Siebert
Sat., 3/20/82 Charlotte, NC
Sgt. Slaughter, Ole Anderson & Stan Hansen beat Ric Flair, Ricky Steamboat & Jake Roberts
Ivan Koloff double DQ Jimmy Valiant
Blackjack Mulligan, Jr. beat Austin Idol
Pvt. Nelson & Pvt. Kernodle beat Jay Youngblood & Porkchop Cash
The Ninja beat Ron Ritchie
Sun., 3/21/82 Toronto, Ontario
Tony Parisi beat Kurt Von Hess
Johnny Weaver beat Chris Markoff
Jay Youngblood beat Ninja by DQ
Ricky Steamboat beat Roddy Piper by DQ
Jimmy Valiant beat Ivan Koloff
Blackjack Mulligan, Sr. beat John Studd by DQ