Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling on the WWE Network |
TV Summaries & Reviews
by David Taub
Mid-Atlantic Gateway Contributor
This is a review of Mid-Atlantic Wrestling as it appeared on the WWE Network. Results are included for the week (Monday-Sunday of the given week) as available. Please email with any corrections, typos, results, other details at 1davidtaub@gmail.com. Follow @TaubGVWire
For links to all available summaries as well as links to the Mid-Atlantic Championship Podcast, visit our TV Summary Index.
Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling
Original broadcast: 9/11/82
(taped 9/08/82 at WPCQ-TV studios in Charlotte)
WWE Network feed. [How to watch this show on the WWE Network.]
WWE Network Direct Link to this show: Mid-Atlantic 9/11/82
Mid-Atlantic Championship Podcast Episode 34
Bob Caudle opens the show previewing the matches this hour. Out comes the House of Humpedink, Jos LeDuc (that’s what it says on the back of his jacket, so that’s the spelling I’m going with), Leroy Brown and Sir Oliver Humperdink.

As soon as Humperdink mentions Jimmy Valiant, out comes, the Network edit music. Valiant is dancing and prancing around, with his red cassette player and TV title in hand. Valiant is yelling at the House of Humperdink saying no one cuts his hair. Humperdink grabs the cassette player which laid in the ring. Just as the next match is about to start, Humperdink and crew smash the player “into a thousand pieces” Caudle said. Valiant jumps out of the ring and the heels scatter.
-Int. w/Bob Caudle: Jimmy Valiant
“First you cut my hair. Now you smash my music. That’s personal. That’s personal, baby!” Valiant is real mad. He says that goof in the ring will pay for it. Which leads to…
Match 1
Non-Title Match: Jimmy Valiant [NWA TV ch.] d. Juan Reynosa
Tommy Young is the referee for the hour. If this is a TV title match, it isn’t mentioned. Valiant picks up the win in under a minute. Finish is the elbow smash. By the way, is it Reynoso or Reynosa? No consensus yet.
Match 2
Jos LeDuc & Leroy Brown (w/Sir Oliver Humperdink) d. Mike Rotundo & Kelly Kiniski
Humperdink joins Caudle. More smack talk on Valiant. Humperdink praises Mike Rotundo, a former national champion at Syracuse (don’t let reality get in the way of wrestling lore). Caudle doubts Rotundo would join the House of Humperdink. A sloppy looking head takedown by Kiniski on Brown. Brown shaved his silly-looking blonde beard, or at least trimmed it up so it looks decent. Not much from the babyface team. LeDuc finishes Kiniski by picking him up with one arm and slamming him down back first across his knee. Some post-match double teaming until Rotundo chases them out.
-Int. w/Bob Caudle: Ben Alexander & Jim Dalton
This is in lieu of local promos. Dalton says this business is about championships, money and fame. Talks about how hard pro wrestling is. Alexander generally parrots Dalton. Back to Dalton, who calls most of the babyfaces in the territory “crybabies.”
Match 3
Wahoo McDaniel & Jack Brisco d. Greg Valentine & Paul Jones (w/Sir Oliver Humperdink) by DQ
Good back and forth. Caudle notes Sgt. Slaughter will return soon from his 30-day suspension. Also, Flair is refusing to grant Wahoo McDaniel a title match. The finish sees Brisco get Jones in the Figure Four. Valentine comes in but misses and elbow. It leads to a four-way brawl in the ring. Brisco grabs Humperdink and tosses him in the ring. Tommy Young calls for the bell and raises the hands of Brisco & McDaniel and awards them the DQ victory.
-Int. w/Bob Caudle: Jimmy Valiant, Ricky Steamboat, Jack Brisco, Wahoo McDaniel
Rapid fire babyface interview time. Valiant seems to be unscheduled. A couple of angry threats at Humperdink. Steamboat says little, vowing revenge on House of Humperdink. Ditto Brisco, who says his brother Jerry will return soon to keep an eye on Humperdink. McDaniel said he’s ready for the return of Abdullah the Butcher, as we get a screen shot of Abby from his appearance in 1981.
Match 4
Ricky Steamboat d. The Gladiator
Caudle repeats the points on Slaughter and Flair-Wahoo. Also mentions Valiant’s cassette player getting destroyed at the top of the show. Long headlock sequences. Humperdink returns to the announcer desk, for more threats to Steamboat. Toward the end, Steamboat takes the mask off the Gladiator. It’s Ken Timbs. Steamboat wins with the chop.
After the match, Steamboat jaws with Humperdink, who has Leroy Brown with him. Brown’s blonde beard is trimmed.
Then, Jay Youngblood comes out and whips Brown and Humperdink from behind with a leather strap. The heels run off, and Steamboat gets a few words in about some stipulation matches.
-Int. w/Bob Caudle: Keith Larson & King Parsons
This is in lieu of local promos. Larson talks about his upcoming match against Gene Anderson. He also talks about Valiant getting his radio destroyed. Parsons talks about Leroy Brown.
Match 5
Gene Anderson (w/Sir Oliver Humperdink) d. Keith Larson
Slow paced match, with trading of armlocks. Anderson wins when he sidesteps a charge by Larson, and he goes chest first into the ropes (not even the corner). Anderson follows with a neckbreaker and makes the easy cover.
-Int. w/Bob Caudle: House of Humperdink: Sir Oliver Humperdink, Greg Valentine, Paul Jones and Gene Anderson
Humperdink issues warnings to The Brisco “Sisters,” Steamboat and more. Valentine follows up with the threats. Jones notes the Indian death lock was invented by a white man in Texas to beat Indians. He and Valentine challenge the Briscos, Wahoo and Youngblood to a handicap match.
“So Long for Now!”
Results for the week, 9/06/16-9/12/82 (source: Clawmaster’s Archive via Sports and Wrestling blog posted by David Baker; “Wrestling” newsletter by Joe Shedlock
Mon., 9/06/82 Greenville, SC
Mike Davis draw King Parsons
Juan Reynosa beat Kelly Kiniski
Mike Rotundo beat Jim Dalton
Jack Brisco beat Paul Jones
Wahoo McDaniel beat Leroy Brown
Roddy Piper beat NWA World Champion Ric Flair by DQ
Mon., 9/06/82 Wilmington, NC
Jimmy Valiant vs. Ivan Koloff in a Siberian salt mine glove match
Ricky Steamboat & Jay Youngblood vs. Don Kernodle & Jim Nelson
The Scorpion vs. Porkchop Cash
Keith Larson vs. Glenn Lane
Ali Bey vs. Mike Davis
Tue., 9/07/82 Columbia, SC
Jack Brisco beat NWA World Champion Ric Flair by DQ
Wahoo McDaniel double DQ Greg Valentine
Johnny Weaver beat The Ninja
Porkchop Cash & King Parsons beat Pvt. Nelson & Pvt. Kernodle
Keith Larson beat Bill White
Mike Davis beat Ken Timbs
Wed., 9/08/82 Charlotte, NC(TV)
Jack Brisco & Wahoo McDaniel beat Paul Jones & Greg Valentine by DQ
Ricky Steamboat beat The Gladiator
Gene Anderson beat Keith Larson
Jimmy Valiant beat Juan Reynosa
Jos LeDuc & Leroy Brown beat Kelly Kiniski & Mike Rotundo
Mike Rotundo & Jay Youngblood beat Jim Dalton & Ben Alexander
Greg Valentine beat Kelly Kiniski
Pvt. Kernodle beat King Parsons
Paul Jones beat Johnny Weaver
Ricky Steamboat, Jack Brisco & Wahoo McDaniel beat Juan Reynosa, Bill White & Ken Timbs
Thu., 9/09/82 Sumter, SC
Wahoo McDaniel double DQ Greg Valentine
Paul Jones beat Jack Brisco to win NWA Mid Atlantic Title
Johnny Weaver beat Jerry Brisco by DQ
Mike Rotundo beat Ken Timbs
Bill White draw Mike Davis
King Parsons & Porkchop Cash beat Juan Reynosa & Jim Dalton
Thu., 9/09/82 Fisherville, VA
Ron Ritchie d. Ali Bey
Kelly Kiniski d. Ninja by DQ
Keith Larsen d. Pvt. Nelson
Pvt. Kernodle d. Jay Youngblood
Ricky Steamboat d. Leroy Brown by DQ
Cage match: Jimmy Valiant d. Ivan Koloff
Fri., 9/10/82 Charleston, SC; Charleston Town Hall
Mike Davis d. Pvt. Nelson
Mike Rotundo d. Bill White
Pork Chop Cash & King Parsons d. Jim Dalton & Juan Reynosa
Jay Youngblood d. Gene Anderson
Leroy Brown d. Rick Steamboat
Jimmy Valiant d. Ivan Koloff
Sat., 9/10/82 Keanesville, NC
Keith Larsen d. Ali Bey
Keith Larsen d. Ken Timbs
Pvt. Kernodle d. Ron Ritchie
Jack Brisco d. Ninja
Wahoo McDaniel DDQ Greg Valentine
Sun., 9/12/82 Asheville, NC
Keith Larson TLD Billwhite
Mike Davis d. Ali Bey
Pvt. Nelson d. Kelly Kiniski
Jack Brisco & Rick Steamboat d. Jos LeDuc & Leroy Brown by DQ
Wahoo McDaniel DDQ Greg Valentine
Siberian Salt Miners’ Glove match: Jimmy Valiant d. Ivan Koloff
Sun., 9/12/82 Kingsport, TN
Jimmy Valiant beat Ivan Koloff in cage match
Rick Steamboat beat Leroy Brown by DQ
Wahoo McDaniel double DQ Greg Valentine
Jack Brisco beat Jos LeDuc by DQ
Pork Chop Cash beat Jim Dalton
Mike Rotundo beat Ken Timbs
Ron Ritchie beat Juan Reynosa